Thursday, December 26, 2013

Mysql dump for a single table with data only, no drop and table creation commands

mysqldump -uroot -ppassword --compact -t papaya_development users > users.sql

for more detail type mysqldump --help command on terminal.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Build and run Blackberry app in simulator

I new requirement is to build the blackberry application and run it in the blackberry simulator. I created a application using phonegap, now next task is to run in the blackberry simulator.

I have to setup the simulator locally. Step as follows:-
  • Install Jdk.
  • Install vmware.
  • download the simulator from blackberry site.

Now you are done with the  simulator setup. You have to start the simulator in the vmware  and enable the development mode.

The one this you have to note the ip-address of the simulator which is present in the bottom left.

you have to setup the couple of things:-
  • blackberry 10 sdk
  • apache
  • ant
after you done with the setup you have to do couple of settings changes in the project properties file.

  1.  update the
    qnx.bbwp.dir =
  2. qnx.sim.ip =
now you are done with all the settings.
go to project directory and type couple of commands
  1. ant qnx build
  2. ant qnx load-simulator